Master Trello for Business

Grow Your Business & Organize Your Freaking Life

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Learn How to Use Trello Like a Boss

Feeling totally overwhelmed just trying to keep track of your business, your clients, your projects, and, you know, your actual life (family? Friends? Remember them?).This video course will show you exactly how to manage your creative business, blog, and workflow (whether you sell products or services), plus help you stick to all your commitments as a real human person, using Trello. If you're a biz owner who is saying to yourself "What the hell is a Trello?" right about now, then you need to get on this. The best news? It’s only $29 bucks. Don’t even lie and try and tell us you spent less than that the last time you made a “quick stop” to Target.


Get organized. Get shit done.

Grow your business with Trello.

We’re taking you inside Trello and walking you, step-by-step, through our workflow to show you how we manage our own small business. Not only are you getting a peek into exactly how we run things every single day, but we’re giving you the exact templates (with instructions) so you can do the same thing. We’re getting you to a better place so you can spend less time being a frazzled hot mess and more time checking things off your list like you're freakin' Santa Claus.


So, wait: what are you even trying to sell me here?

We're glad you asked!

📅 My Week

This is how you’re going to zero in on your focus so you’re not totally spazzing about everything that needs your attention. We’ll show you how having a weekly view of your schedule will be an absolute game changer for productivity.

🔮 Big Picture Strategy

This is huge stuff. Major biz road map type stuff. We’re talking the “Oprah-sized” goals here, people. This is where you’ll get a bird’s eye view of your entire business game plan so you can begin to take action and actually make shit happen.

✒️ Business Blueprint

Your business's manual. The company guidebook. How we went from zero to hero. Whatever you want to call it, this is your business's skeleton. How the sausage gets made. How shit happens. You don't want to be walking around without your skeleton, do you? No, you do not. We’re going to share our super top secret, revolutionary, never-before-seen strategy of “copy and paste” so you can save buttloads of time. This is high-tech gold, here, people.

🖇 Editorial Calendar

Blogger? Podcaster? Content creator of any kind? This will be your happy place. Keep yourself on track: learn our strategy of “dump, schedule, repeat” (sounds super sexy, huh?).

👯 Collaborations

Work well with others? Good for you! Your second grade teacher would be so proud. So are we! Here’s the place to keep track of those relationships, tasks and projects so one of you isn’t always saying “I DID tell you, you just weren’t listening!”

💸 Sales Funnel

Keep track of all the lovely peeps interested in your awesome services and never lose sight of them in your sales process again.

✏️ Current Clients

Run a service based business? Organize all your project details in one central location so you’re not all like “Oh, crap, what did I say I would do for them?” (this is a bad thing to do).

🛍 My Products

Sell physical goods? First, we want to say: we like the way you work it (no diggity), and we're sure we'd like to bag it up (your beautiful wares, that is). Secondly, you’re gonna want to spend some time on this board now so you can save time later.

🎁 Launch in a Box

Ever wondered how the pros market their new products and services? Well we're giving you the goods. And by the goods we mean the formula. And the checklists! Best of all, it’s in a box, tied up with a big, pretty bow, just waiting for you (it’s a digital box with a digital bow, okay? Use your imagination).

📬 Home Base

Did you forget to pick up your kid from school again? We promise that if you use this board to organize your personal to-do’s, that will never, ever happen again!

*Can’t really promise, don’t blame us if you forget your kid again.

Course Curriculum


Um, do you really need more convincing to spend $29 bucks on something this amazing?

Okay, fine...

Here are some not-at-all-inflated testimonials from yours truly (because this is our first launch of Trello for Business so obviously we haven't heard your glowing review yet).

“Trello literally is the best thing to have ever graced the presence of my desktop (and iPhone). The quality of my life has grown exponentially since I was introduced to this magical beast. I feel so light and wise and free. Suddenly, I am filled with a sense of inner peace (and organization!). Best investment ever. Is $29 even an investment? Not sure. It was so good, it almost felt free.”

- Abagail Pumphrey, Think Creative Collective

“You will never be more happy about having just spent $29. Ever. Like, seriously. Not even buying and eating a bag full of king-sized chocolate bars at the dollar store will make you feel this good (plus: this is way better for your tummy)."

- Emylee Williams, Think Creative Collective

"Once you get all up in Trello like I have, you’re going to want to send me an Edible Arrangement just to show your appreciation (don't skimp on the rawhides, please). Or puppies. You could also send puppies (they’ll distract my evil brother).”

- Tilly, Resident Treat Tester

Yeah, yeah, we hear you. Skeptical... Here are what people are really saying!

"Your new program Trello for Business is seriously amazing! I have been using Asana so I was a bit skeptical about it at first but you won me over, WOW! Trello for Business has literally been more valuable to me than some 1K courses I've taken."

- Yana Dirkx, The Wed Boutique

"Enrolled in the Trello For Business course and did about 36% of it (didn't go through the tech portion yet) and it was amazing!!! My business partner is in the office looking as crazy as I used to, just overwhelmed by the amount of work she has to do as a creative.

I am as cool as a cucumber right now. I know exactly what I need to do today and by what time. Including "interacting on social media" which I often forget to do.

Unless you have perfected your schedule as a creative...I mean PERFECT...then you NEED this class. Rearrange whatever you planned on doing today, enroll in the class put what you learn into action today and tomorrow you can just copy and paste this post if you like!!!! I don't even know how I ever got anything done....It's amazing and I am NOT great with technology, but this course was so easy to understand even I could do it. So serious..getcha life hunny and enroll in this course!!!"

- Taquesha Molina, Courage Molina

"I already use a super expensive catering specific software that is suppose to help with organization, but it doesn't even come close to the actual practical every day help that Trello and the template boards you shared created for me and my business. So awesome!"

- Jessica Miller, SBB Gourmet Catering

"I am a messy, unorganized, procrastinating, easily distracted man by nature and I thought it would remain that way until the day I die. Trello and Trello for business proved me wrong.

I’ve been stuck for months in the launching of my product-based business, mainly because I didn’t feel like repeating the same creation process from a product to the next, over and over again. I used to forget some steps, had to go back, doing the same work a second or a third time. I was disheartened wasting time which lead me to the vicious circle of procrastination. I was avoiding boring tasks by starting new product projects, and ended up not knowing where each product was at.

Your “Business Blueprint” board was a game changer for me. It never occurred to me that I could use a productivity tool as a reference tool (a mockup tool?) for my creation process. Once and for all, this board compelled me to outline every single recurring step of my workflow in the shape of cards and checklists. Now I don’t have to store any information in my mind anymore. It makes the processes less painful, more reliable. What a relief!

I usually am hardly satisfied with (mainly marketing) courses I buy online. I always put so much expectation in them, hoping they will trigger something in me. They usually don’t. So I always end up disappointed because there’s nothing more than what I read for free on the Internet. But Ladies, your course blowed my mind with so many ahah moments!!

Thank you for making me save time by making me more organized. Which is no mean feat, believe me."

- Stéphane, Oxygami


As a virtual assistant, I needed to use Trello in a way that organized all of my clients in one spot. Your Sales Funnels and Current Client boards were GOLD to me. I have been using Trello solely as an editorial calendar prior to taking the course. I didn't realize how functional and versatile it could be. Byebye paper planners - forever!

- Fiona Benjamin, Fiona Benjamin

"I had used Trello, but basically my shit was all over the place and I didn't really have a good grasp on what I was meant to be working on at any one time. Now I feel more on top of my week and bigger plans, and can see how it all fits together. It's still a work in progress (this ain't no magic bullet), but I now feel like my system works for me, not the other way round."

- Nell Casey, Nell Casey

"I'm SO excited to get to work on planning and kicking ass on my 2017 product launch for invitation suite templates. Both the Big Picture Strategy and Launch in a Box are totally going to save my life and help to hold me accountable for getting that shit done and getting it done right. It also has helped me so much with planning my workflow for custom clients. Until these boards came into my life, I was digging through emails and folders trying to find the forms and inspiration, but now it's at my fingertips. The whole course is bananas and I'm so happy that y'all have finally unlocked Trello for me to make it work for my business. Trello for Business is a game changer. Total and complete game changer."

- Amanda Woodruff, Leighwood Paperie

"Before Trello for Business I was one of those people who even thought they tried to be organized it was still a huge mess. I had notebooks, planners, journals, to-do lists, and sticky notes all over the place. I even had Trello but didn't use it regularly because I didn't have a real system set up. Once I signed up for Trello for Business all that changed. Now I have everything I need and want to do for my business all in one place for easy access and planning. I use the brain dump lists to get all my ideas out and then move or copy them as needed. It's so much easier now! I can work smarter and not harder which makes me more confident with my business."

- Ilona Toth, Ilona Toth Creative


"My life was cluttered in lists and ideas that kept floating around in my head, they are now getting the pretty little card and deadline they deserve. And I get to exercise, have my nails done and smell the roses while getting more done."

- Marie Kenny, Macaroon Republic

"So, I have always been a paper-planner. I prefer the satisfaction of crossing things off lists rather than checking a box on my computer or cellphone. (I also fought the convenience of e-readers, if that tells you anything.)

Here's the thing, though: my planning wasn't working.

Cute TDLs and color-coded agendas don't mean shit if you aren't accomplishing anything.

That's the main thing Trello for Business taught me – that I had something at my fingertips that would let me plan out my every goal, dream, and assignment to the last detail, and I owed it to myself and my work to utilize it.

I think we lust over outdated organization tools because no one has ever presented a solution that says, "This is how you get shit done, step by step," until you gave us Trello for Business.

Do the course. Besides what it did for my personal organization, it's been a game changer in the businesses I manage. We have three full time employees, 20 or so contractors, and 40-ish vendors – and all of our processes have been streamlined IN THE PAST WEEK with what I learned in Trello For Business.

Trello isn't the bad ass thing that has helped me organize every facet of my personal life, school obligations, and business projects – it's how YOU use it. It is literally YOUR COURSE that transformed those things.

Trello is a good piece of software, but it isn't a tool until you've taken this course.

Your boards are incredible and you give students a brilliant framework to fill in the blanks where they need them. It's brilliant."

- Victoria Newborn, Modern Blossoms, 352 Delivery and Visualize Home

"The walkthroughs of the specific boards along with getting copies of each board was both time saving and life-saving. This was by far the best course I have ever purchased on any tool. Extremely professional and so informative. I could not recommend the Trello course any more."

- Glenneth Reed, Your Path to Fit

Your Instructor

Abagail | Boss Project
Abagail | Boss Project

Abagail Pumphrey, owner and CEO of Boss Project—one of the top online business education companies—has built an inclusive community platform that empowers millions. Recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, she also hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour.

Abagail has taught small businesses, creatives, and coaches across dozens of industries how to build profitable and sustainable businesses online. She helps them build momentum with her business accelerator program, The Co-op, and diversify their income with Digital Product Jumpstart. Abagail's personal mission in life and business is to help more small business owners become financially free, and she’s not stopping anytime soon.

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm sorry, but seriously: what is Trello? And why should I even give a flip?
Trello is a totally FREE (yes, free!) online task management tool that’s, like, totally the bomb diggity. It’s super customizable, pretty, easy to use and has hands down been the reason we’ve been able to get more stuff down while spending less time in our business. Did we mention it’s free?
Is this course for me?
Do you fill up post it notes, notebooks and that dreaded iPhone Notes app (blergh!) with “things to remember”, but then somehow you never, um, know where they actually are? Do you have a metric shit ton (tonne?) of biz tasks to accomplish, but constantly feel like you don’t know what to work on next? Then you need this.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
But I’m a paper person! I don’t like using these digital task management thingies!
Calm, down boss. We get it. We’re paper hoarders too. We buy notepads and notebooks and journals and special secret diaries just to smell the freshly-printed paper. And snap cute pictures of them so we can give off the illusion that jotting things down in a notepad is actually functional. But you know it’s not. We know it’s not. If your old school way is working then keep at it sister (or brother). But trust us when we say THIS digital task management system just might convert you to the dark side.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Yeah, yeah. But what if I think this course sucks?
Well that would suck for a lot of reasons. Mostly because when we see that $29 bucks just landed in our account, we’re already treating ourselves to sushi. It could get really awkward trying to return a half-eaten Spider roll. So, sorry! We’ll send you a howler Mrs. Weasley style if you need us to give you a kick in the pants to actually use it so you can be uber productive, but we believe in this course 100% (and we also believe in food in our tummies) so use it or lose it, friend. You can do this! We believe in you!
I’m sold! I already bought it, but love you guys too much to leave so I want to know what else you offer so I can buy more things.
Yay! You’re so kind! We offer all sorts of knowledge-y goodness that you can check out at If you have any more questions about this course, we’d be surprised. If you need more testimonials, we’re not surprised, so please make sure you send us yours! Inside the program head to the bonus section and click “Here’s How Trello Changed My Life”.